• About NAI Calibrations by E.S.R.S.

Carrying out NAI Calibrations for over 40 years.

In 1963 two engineers (Swedish and German) got together and created E.S.R.S (Electrical Standards Repair Services) that was set up to provide maintenance for high end primary Standards used for calibration of range of electronic parameters.

From early days the company proved its supremacy amongst others. ESRS has been an active participant in the MAP (Measurement Assurance Program) since its inception in 1969. Autonetics, Beckman, ESRS, Lockheed, and TRW comprised the first MAP group in 1969. Round robin experiments in measuring the volt with the National Bureau of Standards (now NIST) were done utilizing the Guild line 9155 standard cell bank and continue today with the Fluke 732A Reference Standard. Such is the heritage and pedigree of the ESRS.

During the following years ESRS was the center for North Atlantic repair services appointed by the manufacturers in California. In later years with the change in ownership, and management of North Atlantic and changes in policy slowly North Atlantic changed directions but ESRS continued independently to service the products.

Today ESRS is an 17025/2005 accredited company and continues the tradition.


Technical Expertise

Our 20Tbyte system stores Data, pictures, manuals, calibration procedures, application notes, service manuals schematics that are all digitally searchable dating back to 1947 ! We also have the expertise to match that wealth of knowledge and companies like Tektronix, Keysight, Fluke, Teledyne, use us to maintain and revitalize equipment that they manufactured during the years gone by.

Sensible Prices

North Atlantic equipment is not cheap. Replacing the old ones at times is not an option. So, the old ones need to be maintained. Over the years we have purchased as much spare parts as it has been possible, to keep customer's test equipment maintained. We are generally 2/3 of the price of the manufacturer where they don't even support the units. If we cannot help it is fair to say no one can. It must be worth the investigation fee (differs on various models).

Fast Turnarounds

It has been said that the OEM can be like a black hole. If it goes there it never comes out. In extreme cases where the OEM has taken 7 months or so to turn items round we have on record that we have turned repairs and calibration round in 2 to 3 weeks.